Sunday, 29 January 2017

Defeat at home dashes City's chances of a league win

Thursday evening saw Portsmouth City's home match against the league champions, Sarisbury.  City is still not at full strength and thus unable to field a complete team of eight.  Here's how the match went:

Portsmouth City - 487

R. Ashman (96)
A. Nevatte (97)
I. Cooper (98)
G. Scruton (98)
S. Hart (97)
L. Haskett (97)
Sarisbury - 492

M. Guille (99)
M. Frost (96)
G. Barber (95)
T. Gleed (99)
M. Holdway (98)
P. Pearce (97)
P. Pepper (91)
I. Kuprov (99)

So no embarrassments on either side but no tonnes either.  Well done to Sarisbury for their win - it looks like it could be a close finish between them and Wickham by the end of the season as to who will take the championship.

With this defeat, City now has three losses this season and it is unlikely with Sarisbury and Wickham as strong as they are this year, we'll be in contention for either first or second place.  That said, our current team average of 487.7 is a full one point higher than last year's average of 486.7, so we are improving, but perhaps not quite as much as a couple of our rivals.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Our Chichester Away Match

Apologies for the delay in getting this match report out.  It was City's turn to visit Chichester last Thursday for our away match against them.  The last match saw us secure a convincing win against the most eastern of the Portsmouth & District teams (please take a moment to visit and 'like' the association's new Facebook page if you haven't already done so).  However, that was a home match with a full team; this time around, Chichester had the home advantage and, owing to a number of reasons, the City team was far from full strength.

Here's how we did:

Chichester - 479

J. Peart (89)
W. Williamson (95)
K. Tulloch (96)
S. Sadler (96)
N. Hayward (93)
N. Logan (91)
P. Leggett (99)
S. Jenkins (90)

C. Wade (83)
E. Hawker (81)
Portsmouth City - 492

A. Nevatte (98)
S. Hart (95)
L. Haskett (100)
T. Sommerville (92)
G. Scruton (99)
I. Cooper (100)

This was quite a score for City (our best this season and equalling our best last season).  Congratulations always go to those, regardless of their team, who score a 100, in this case I. Cooper and L. Haskett, but special congratulations must go to Ms. Haskett for following up her first ever 100 with her first ever match 100!  Well done, Lauren!

Commiserations go to Chichester but, as you can see, they definitely win in terms of attendance.  Our next match is at home and against last year's champions, Sarisbury.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Arthur Lee Cup Round 2 - City vs Havant

Happy New Year everyone!  Yes, it is now 2017 and technically a 'new year', however, over at the club we're right in the middle of the winter leagues and those include the Arthur Lee Cup matches, of which we had our second round match against Havant last Thursday (having beaten West Meon in the first round).

Here's how we did:

Portsmouth City - 1156

I. Cooper (96, 95)
G. Scruton (99, 100)
A. Nevatte (96, 97)
P. Upchurch (91. 95)
S. Hart (98, 97)
R. Ashman (95, 97)
  Havant - 1149

A. Perry (93, 91)
A. Morley (96. 97)
D. Cotton (93, 97)
L. Hanna (97, 97)
M. Nevatte (98, 98)
T. Brown (96, 96)

We had the home advantage once again and thankfully too advantage of it.  So, City progresses to the next round!  No double tonnes this time but we achieved a win and sometimes that's what counts.  The regular shoulder-to-shoulder season starts this week and this Thursday we head for our away match against Chichester (who have recently put together a lovely new website).  Wish us luck!