Monday, 30 November 2015

City vs Sarisbury: The Highest Scoring Match in Recent League History!

This evening was the away match at Sarisbury and it was a night of superlatives.
The last match of the year.
The first possible (100) from a City shooter this season.
The highest team score of the season so far.
The highest scoring match in the Portsmouth & District League for at least the last three seasons.
Unfortunately, it was also:
The first possibles scored against City this season, and...
The first City loss of the season.
Here were the scores:

Sarisbury - 495

T. Gleed (100)
M. Guille (98)
P. Pearce (98)
M. Frost (94)
M. Holdway (99)
G. Barber (97)
P. Fitzsimmons (100)
D. Cleeve (96)
Portsmouth City - 492

I. Cooper (97)
M. Nevatte (98)
A. Nevatte (98)
P. Upchurch (94)
G. Scruton (100)
L. Haskett (93)
S. Hart (98)
R. Ashman (98)

So this was a high scoring match that saw City rise to the occasion admirably.  Our team average is now 486.6 and the team score of 492 solidly bests our previous best this season of 489 and is the best team score we've had for at least the last three years!

However, Sarisbury ain't the reigning league champions for nothing, folks!  Many congratulations to them for also shooting their highest score of the season so far and their highest scores for the last three seasons as well!

Special congratulations to T. Gleed, P. Fitzsimmons and G. Scruton for their possibles.

Mid-Season Report

Portsmouth City has shot 7 of its 14 matches of the Portsmouth & District 2015/16 shoulder-to-shoulder season.  So far we've had 6 wins and 1 loss and our current team average is 486.6.

(483) Portsmouth City vs Havant (480)
Win (see results)
(481) Portsmouth City vs Fareham (473)
Win (see results)
(487) Portsmouth City vs Chichester (465)
Win (see results)
(481) West Meon vs Portsmouth City (487)
Win (see results)
(487) Portsmouth City vs Portsmouth Railway (482)
Win (see results)
(483) Wickham vs Portsmouth City (489)
Win (see results)
(495) Sarisbury vs Portsmouth City (492)
Loss (see results)

Best shoulder-to-shoulder averages so far are:

1st: Ian Cooper (97.57)
2nd: Marian Nevatte (97.29)
3rd: Sarah Hart & Gordon Scruton (97.17)

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