Friday, 20 November 2015

City vs Railway

Last night, the main Portsmouth City team faced off against fellow Portsmouth team, Portsmouth Railway Rifle Club, and it looks like City's moment is far from slowing!

Portsmouth City - 487

M. Nevatte (98)
S. Hart (99)
L. Haskett (94)
I. Cooper (98)
A. Nevatte (97)
P. Upchurch (95)
J. Rowe (95)
R. Ashman (95)
Portsmouth Railway - 482

J. Ring (96)
M. Carter (94)
K. Hardyman (99)
C. Richards (96)
N. Toms (95)
N. Perman (96)
C. Coles (95)

This home match saw City score its third successive 487 and now has a team average of 485.  Portsmouth City's championship points are now in double figures (10) with 5 wins, no losses and no draws.  Still no possibles (perfect 100s) but we'll all get another chance to do that at our away match at Wickham on Monday. :-)

Well done to Portsmouth Railway for their very respectable scores and providing a relatively close match.

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