On Saturday evening, the first leg of the Potter Bailey shoot was held at Chichester Rifle Club. The competition sees the combined talents of the shooters of Portsmouth & District lock horns with our neighbour's, the Worthing & West Sussex Smallbore Rifle Association. Each district team has 12 shooters and the best 10 scores are counted (known as '12 to shoot, 10 to count'). Each shooter has two cards so (doing the maths here... 12 shooters x 2 cards x 2 teams + 1 reserve) there were 50 cards shot.
This was the away match for the P&D shooters and the bitter cold of the Chichester range added an extra challenge! Portsmouth City's own Marian Nevatte captained the P&D side while Ian Cooper, Adam Nevatte and Gordon Scruton were selected for the P&D team.
The best possible team score is 2000 and the competition is based on aggregate so these scores will be added to the home match which will be shot at Havant Rifle Club on March 14th. Here's how the teams did:
Worthing & West Sussex - 1953
(Capt.) R. French (98, 100)
J. Holdsworth (97, 100)
H. Matheson (99, 97)
N. Mullins (99, 97)
G. Ramsey (99, 97)
C. Smith (98, 96)
G. Smith (96, 100)
N. Smith (99, 94)
T. Wells (98, 96)
J. Whittle (95, 98)
So an 8 point difference over 2000 possible points is really quite close and eminently recoverable. Well done to W&WSx for pressing their home advantage. We're all hoping the Havant range will be warmer next month!
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