Monday, 27 October 2014

Wickham vs Portsmouth City

Monday night at the Wickham & District Rifle Club range saw a tense match between their A team and PCRC.  Ultimately the match resulted in a draw (Wickham's second of the season) with both teams scoring 484.  Nonetheless, a good night was had by all with some exciting scores achieved.  The scores were as follows:

Wickham A - 484

J. Willsher (94)
S. Dismore (98)
J. Cottrill (96)
M. Barnes (99)
I. Nichols (97)
R. Heasell (94)
R. Long (92)
 Portsmouth City - 484

I. Cooper (96)
A. Nevatte (100)
P. Upchurch (91)
M. Nevatte (93)
S. Hart (95)
L. Haskett (93)
J. Rowe (93)
G. Scruton (100)

Special congratulations go to Adam Nevatte and Gordon Scruton for their possibles (PCRC's first of the season).

PCRC now has 5 points in the league having won their first two matches (2 points each) and drawn this third match (1 point).

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