Monday, 27 October 2014

W. Arthur Hiscock - Club President

Arthur Hiscock (1962)
We are very sad to report that our long-standing club president, Mr William Arthur Hiscock, passed away late last month.

Arthur had been a member of the Portsmouth City Rifle Club for an impressive 69 years, joining the club just after the war in 1946.  For many years Arthur was a key part of the club and its teams, shooting on the A team throughout the 1960s and contributing towards PCRC's impressive 21 years as Portsmouth & District league champions at that time.

Arthur became our club president in 1996 in recognition of his keen, life-long interest in smallbore target rifle shooting.  He was also President of the Portsmouth & District Smallbore Rifle and Pistol Association.

His funeral was at Portchester Crematorium earlier this month.

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