Monday, 17 November 2014

The Dave Nevatte Memorial Salver

This weekend saw the Annual General Meeting of the Hampshire Smallbore Rifle & Pistol Association.  Members from Portsmouth City were attending this year for a very special reason.

Dave Nevatte at Bisley Week
As many of you will know, we lost a stalwart of the club when our good friend and club secretary, Dave Nevatte, passed away in January.  We thought it fitting that a trophy be set up in his name and be open to all Hampshire shooters taking part in the British shooting event of the year and something that Dave attended religiously - Bisley Week.

The salver will be presented at the Hampshire AGM each year to the Hampshire shooter who achieved the highest placing in their division in the Bisley Weekend Aggregate (e.g. a shooter coming 4th place in D Class would beat a shooter coming 5th place in A Class).

This year the salver was awarded to Chris Dunn who achieved 2nd place in C Class.

Marian Nevatte presents Chris Dunn with the Dave Nevatte Memorial Salver

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